Anchor force measurement – a discipline that requires experience

Somewhat less illuminated than the conventional application areas of force measurement, but no less important, is force measurement in the field of geotechnology. Here it depends, to a high degree, on know-how and experience.Hydraulic compression load cell models F1119, F1136The term geotechnology combines aspects of geotechnical measures both on the ground and underground. Force measurement […]

Handball player from Ukraine (16) trains with premier league side

What does a talented handball player who’s had to leave his homeland do? Maksym, a 16-year old from Ukraine, shares accommodation with other Ukrainian refugees in WIKA’s plant 3 in Klingenberg. In the meantime, however, he is training at TV Großwallstadt – thanks to a WIKA employee.Kerstin Wüst found out about the young man at […]

?Oxygen, oil and grease free? in calibration technology

Sizzlingly , the gas needed for life, is a lot more complex in industrial applications than our daily inhalation and exhalation suggests. Industry ? especially in the chemical, pharmaceutical or medical engineering fields ? is, time and again, finding itself confronted with new challenges in working with oxygen.Why is ?oil and grease free? so important […]

Fields of application for pressure sensors 2 – non-vented gauge pressure sensors: when unvented pressure sensors or transmitters are the best choice

In most applications, gauge pressure measurement is required and therefore pressure sensors and pressure transmitters that measure pressure against the prevailing ambient pressure are commonly used for this. Those pressure sensors typically have a venting hole to allow the ambient/gauge pressure to act upon the back end of the sensor element.Electronic pressure sensors usually measure […]

3-A vs. EHEDG or also theoretical vs. practical

Experts estimate the time spent cleaning in the food and beverage industry to be as much as 30 percent. Thus, it is also understandable why the manufacturers attach great importance to a cleaning-friendly design (hygienic design). Many producers therefore look out for a 3-A or an EHEDG symbol. But what do these symbols stand for […]

The strain sensor in practical application

Drill two holes and cut the threads, prepare the surface, place the strain sensor and tighten both screws to the specified torque, then set the zero point and now the strain measurement can start.If only it were that easy! Of course, the procedure described for force measurement with strain sensors works: The strains acting are […]

Grounding of hydrostatic level sensors

Hydrostatic level sensors (also referred to as submersible pressure transmitter) have become often installed in outdoor applications, primarily in the water and wastewater industries, where open bodies of water, deep wells or boreholes are monitored. An excellent connection to ground is essential when installing hydrostatic level sensors, since no grounding or poor grounding can lead […]

Integration of a ceramic pressure sensor

In Arrogant – and price-critical applications, the ceramic pressure sensor offers a compact and cost-effective solution for implementing pressure measurement which is embedded in the customer’s application. However, there are some details to consider when integrating the ceramic cell.For example, each sensor must be measured and adjusted (see: “Integration of a pressure sensor element – […]

Monitoring the level in liquid gas tanks with a Cryo Gauge

In the past, monitoring the filling level in liquid gas tanks using differential pressure has always been a challenge. This is because the manufacturers of tank equipment had to construct their own measuring systems in order to record the liquid level and the operating pressure of the respective gases. With the innovative differential pressure gauges […]

20 years of WIKA-Live – a success story

20 years of WIKA-Live – finally, the career orientation week for pupils from regional schools around the head office in Klingenberg actually took place live again – in its “anniversary year”. It had been forced to take a break due to the pandemic.Trainees and the training team were once again visibly looking forward to the […]