Record! 18-inch flow nozzle stated in just 20 weeks

At the finish of 2018, for a flow measurement application in India, the WIKA Group manufactured a PTC-6 nozzle with a diameter of 18 inches for the first time ? and in an archive time of just 20 weeks. The overall amount of this nozzle, including upstream/downstream piping, is 13.3 metres. Wanted was executed for […]

Hydraulic power pack: Safe and reliable measurement technology

In almost all fairground rides, a hydraulic power pack is operating, hidden somewhere behind the beautiful facade. This power pack is not only responsible for driving it, it also guarantees the safety of the attraction.When visiting a funfair, you want to have fun and to be happy. Hardly anybody’s thinking about the safety of a […]

CIGRE Meeting in Klingenberg

The WIKA division IN-SF6 enjoyed the honour of welcoming 47 members of the CIGRE organisation (‘Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Electriques’) to Klingenberg between 23 and 26 October 2017.CIGRE – founded in 1921 – is an international, not-for-profit association to promote cooperation between experts from around the world. Through the exchange of knowledge and the […]

Monitoring the level in liquid gas tanks with a Cryo Gauge

In the past, monitoring the filling level in liquid gas tanks using differential pressure has always been a challenge. This is because the manufacturers of tank equipment had to construct their own measuring systems in order to record the liquid level and the operating pressure of the respective gases. With the innovative differential pressure gauges […]

20 years of WIKA-Live – a success story

20 years of WIKA-Live – finally, the career orientation week for pupils from regional schools around the head office in Klingenberg actually took place live again – in its “anniversary year”. It had been forced to take a break due to the pandemic.Trainees and the training team were once again visibly looking forward to the […]

Gravimetric level measurement in vessels

In the pharmaceutical, building materials and food industries, on vessels and silos, on platforms and dosing systems, right around kitchen and bathroom scales ? weight is measured everywhere. In industry, it becomes particularly interesting when it comes to the particular level in vessels. There are numerous possibilities for weight measurement or weighing. The filling level […]

What is meant by the switching function “hysteresis” with electronic pressure switches?

The hysteresis switching function is generally included for all switch variants, whether mechanical or electronic, and whether for the parameter of pressure, temperature, level or flow. Hysteresis is generally understood to be the difference between the switch point and the reset point. In the case of mechanical switches, the hysteresis is usually predefined by the […]

Pressure and temperature measurement at extremely low ambient temperatures

Standard pressure gauges and thermometers generally cope with ambient temperatures right down to -40 �C. But what must be the features of a mechanical measuring instrument that works perfectly well in polar climates with even lower temperatures? This could be explained using the WIKA POLARgauge� for example. This product family has been designed specifically for […]

Signal clamping in pressure transmitters

In certain applications, the current or voltage signal of a pressure transmitter should never exceed and/or drop below a crucial value. Unexpected can be ensured using so-called signal limiting.Why is a sign clamping necessary in the first place?If the pressure on a pressure transmitter lies within the nominal pressure range, then you will see a […]

Calibration laboratory brings WIKA Mexico forward

After getting into new business premises back in 2018 and launching Axapta in 2019, WIKA Mexico is taking a further step this season: The calibration laboratory for pressure has been commissioned in accordance with Mexican standard NMX-EC-17025-IMNC-2018/ ISO/IEC 17025 (2017).The new calibration system functioningA new member of staff was recruited last August to handle the […]