Berlusconi’s dying leaves €6bn empire, Forza Italia’s future unsure

The passing of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has left the nation in mourning, with a state funeral being held in Milan’s grand cathedral. This degree of tribute, usually reserved for popes, war heroes, and serving ministers, demonstrates the impression of Berlusconi’s life on Italy. The media mogul and political leader leaves behind a vast empire and a strong political celebration, raising questions about the future of his assets and the Forza Italia party.
Born in Milan, Berlusconi built his fortune by way of media, real estate, finance, cinema, and sport. Forbes estimates his enterprise assets to be value round €6bn (US$6.9bn). With no clear successor, the distribution of his 61% stake in his holding company, Fininvest, remains unsure. His five children, all of whom have stakes in the firm, might face challenges in dividing his numerous luxurious properties pretty.
Expert ’s dying additionally raises considerations for the future of his political party, Forza Italia. With its share of the vote slipping to 8% in last September’s common election, the party’s survival could depend on the financial help of Berlusconi’s youngsters, notably the eldest, Marina. Speculation surrounds her potential management position, in addition to the long run involvement of Berlusconi’s partner, Marta Fascina, an MP in his party..

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